This folk tale comes from a very long time ago.The story is also heard from ear to ear.
one of the most famous folklore on Java is Roro Jonggrang.
Almost all regions in Indonesia have their own folklore.
For those of you who have been to Prambanan temple,
do you know the folklore about the temple?
If not, let's read the following story of Roro Jonggrang Prambanan Temple legend.
In ancient times, stood a very large kingdom called Prambanan.
Prambanan Kingdom's people lived prosperously and peacefully under
the leadership of the king named Prabu Baka.
Small kingdoms around the Kingdom of Prambanan were also
submissive and very respectful of Prabu Baka's leadership.
Meanwhile, in other regions there is one kingdom that is no less great than
the Kingdom of Prambanan, the kingdom's name is Kingdom of Pengging.
The kingdom is very famous arrogant and always wants to expand its territory.
Pengging Kingdom has a powerful knight named Bondowoso.
He has a very powerful weapon called Bandung,
so he is very famous as Bandung Bondowoso.
Not only has powerful weapons, Bandung Bondowoso
also has army troops in the form of genies.
He used the Jinn army to help him attack other
kingdoms and also fulfill all his wishes.
Once the Pengging King ordered Bandung Bondowoso
to attack the Kingdom of Prambanan.
The next day, Bandung Bondowoso summoned all his army soldiers and left for
the Kingdom of Prambanan.
Arriving at the Kingdom of Prambanan, Bandung Bondowoso
and the army immediately stormed into the Kingdom of Prambanan.
Without preparations to make King Baka and his army frenzy, and these wars made
Prabu Baka and his troops killed.
Finally Bandung Bondowoso succeeded in occupying the Kingdom of Prambanan.
The success story of Bandung Bondowoso was heard
by the Pengging King and felt very happy.
The Pengging King sent Bandung Bondowoso to occupy
the Prambanan Kingdom and take care
of all the contents of the Kingdom including the Baka King family.
When Bandung Bondowoso occupied Prambanan Palace, he saw a beautiful woman.
The woman is the daughter of Prabu Baka named Roro Jonggrang.
Bandung Bondowoso put his heart to Roro Jonggrang when he saw it.
Without thinking, Bandung Bondowoso called Ror Jonggrang and proposed to him.
"O beautiful
beauty of Roro Jonggrang, will you be my queen?" Asked Bandung Bondowoso
to Roro Jonggrang.
Hearing the question
made Roro Jonggrang speechless and confused. He really hated to see Bandung
Bondowoso who had killed his father whom he loved so much. But he was also
afraid to reject the Bandung Bondowoso application. Finally after Roro
Jonggrang thought for a moment, he found a way for Bandung Bondowoso not to
marry him.
"I will accept
your application, Bandung Bondowoso. But after you fulfill one condition from
me. "Jawah Roro Jonggang.
"Are your
requirements, O Roro Jonggrang ?, asked Bandung Bondowoso.
"Make me a
thousand temples and two wells in one night". Roro Jonggrang replied
giving the conditions he requested.
Hearing the conditions
given by Roro Jonggrang, Bandung Bondowoso immediately agreed. The conditions
that Roro Jonggrang gave, he considered very easy because he had a lot of
genies and would help him.
At night, Bandung
Bondowoso gathered all of his genie soldiers. In a short time, all the troops
had gathered. After hearing an order from Bandung Bondowoso, all of his troops
immediately made a well and built a thousand temples very quickly.
Seeing the speed of
Bondowoso's army in building temples and making wells, made Roro Jonggrang feel
scared and nervous. In two-thirds a night, there are only three temples and one
well that has not been completed.
Roro Jonggrang thought
hard about how to thwart the construction of the temple and make him not get
married to Bandung Bondowoso. If these conditions are not fulfilled, of course
their marriage will not be carried out. Roro Jonggang thinks very hard to
frustrate him.
After thinking hard,
finally me
results are a very
brilliant idea. He will make the atmosphere like morning, so the jinns will
stop making temples because it's already morning.
Roro Jonggrang went to
gather the ladies and gentlemen inside the Prambanan palace. The ladies and
gentlemen gave the task of burning straw, ringing mortar and sprinkling
fragrant, fragrant flowers.
Hearing Roro
Jonggrang's order, the ladies in waiting immediately burned some straw. Not
long after the sky looked red and dimples began to be sounded. The fragrant
smell of the flowers being spread began to smell and made the chickens start
Seeing the reddish
sky, the dimples ringing and the fragrant smell of the flowers, made the
Bandung Bondowoso jinns leave work. They thought that the day had begun in the
morning, and they had to leave immediately.
Seeing his troops leave, Bandung Bondowoso was angry and said,
"Hi, my balloon, it's not morning yet.Come back and finish building this temple!
Bandung Bondowoso told his troops to return and finish.
Because it was not morning yet, and it was all done by Roro Jonggrang to make
the atmosphere like morning.
The Bondowoso soldiers continued to leave and ignored orders from him.
Bandung Bondowoso was very upset and completed
the rest of the temple construction itself.
But before Bandung Bondowoso finished building the rest of the temple,
it was already early morning.
Bandung Bondowoso also failed to fulfill the conditions
given by Roro Jonggrang to marry King Baka's daughter.
Knowing the failure of Bondowoso in making a thousand temples and two wells,
made Roro Jonggrang very happy and approached Bandung Bondowoso.
He said "You failed to fulfill the requirements from me, Bandung Bondowoso."
Hearing Roro Jonggrang's words, made Bandung Bondowoso's anger even greater.
In a loud tone Bandung Bondowoso said "You are the cheat Roro Jonggrang.
You are the one who foiled the construction of a thousand temples that I was building.
For that, I curse you as a statue in the thousandth temple !!!
"shouted Bandung Bondowoso in a loud voice.
With the supernatural power possessed by Bandung Bondowoso, Roro Jonggang became
the thousandth statue of the Thousand Temple which he required to Bandung Bondowoso.
These thousands of temples are located in Prambanan Temple, and the Roro Jonggrang
statue is known as the Roro Jonggarang temple among a thousand other temples
which are named the sewu temple.
The Roro Jonggang Temple which is a form of a statue from Roro Jonggrang
can still be found at the Prambanan Temple location.
Here you will see the Roro Jonggrang Temple surrounded by other temples
built by the Bandung Bondowoso jinns.
Folklore is very important, because it will add to all your knowledge
about the past history of the country of Indonesia.
While visiting the tourist attractions, not only enjoy the tour, but
also very good to know the history of the place as
the story of Roro Jonggrang Prambanan Temple legend above.